Francis Tierney

Certified Sexuality Educator


Medically accurate and developmentally appropriate Relationship, Gender, and Sexuality education designed for people of all abilities.

Trainings & Professional Development

  • Participants will identify and practice using professional boundaries with clients to decrease conflict and improve outcomes. Participants will leave with information and skills to support the development of core skills like: consent, privacy, assertiveness, understanding types of relationships, and boundaries. Participants will also learn how to intervene and redirect inappropriate behavior in public.

  • Participants will receive information and tools to navigate our evolving world of gender and sexuality in order to feel confident supporting clients and students in living authentically. Participants will leave this workshop with an understanding of LGBTQ* terminology, experience, and concrete tools to better support transgender and gender non-conforming clients in our schools, organizations, and health care centers.

  • Comprehensive training for educators, health care providers, and professionals to support people of all ages and abilities in their sexual health and development. Topics include: overview of physiology and principles of safer sex, boundaries for educators, and answering difficult questions. Resources provided.

Classes for students & families

  • Single or multi-session workshops for youth about: consent, healthy relationships, preventing sexually transmitted infections, preventing pregnancy, body image, and more. Lessons adaptable for schools, recreational settings, and more.

  • Adaptable multi-session workshops for learners with intellectual and developmental disabilities to receive medically accurate and developmentally appropriate sexuality education. 

    Students with disabilities need concrete and generalizable information in order to navigate relationships safely. Students will learn skills to accept rejection, say “no” to unwanted attention, and discern who is safe to trust. Students learn about making healthy choices, communicating in relationships, and about their bodies. Each class is tailored to students’ specific learning needs so that everyone learns and can participate meaningfully.

  • Parents are their children’s first and primary sexuality educators. In this workshop parents will learn about typical sexual development, how to answer difficult questions, and how to talk to your kids about topics like consent, safer sex, internet safety, healthy relationships and more. Additional learning resources provided.